6/10/2001 Juliette the hummingbird
 6/28/2001 Leaving for San Francisco
 6/30/2001 Comics near San Jose
 6/29/2001 The W Suites has some funky furniture
 6/29/2001 Denise, Carter, Kai, and Heather
 6/30/2001 Heather and Carter at the handy nearby park in SF
 7/1/2001 The Tech Museum in San Jose
 7/1/2001 Thermal
imaging confirms we are hot stuff
 6/30/2001 In the future, robots will play with blocks FOR us
 7/1/2001 Dancing with Bella and her dad at Marc and Helen's wedding
 7/1/2001 Furry pillows, purple couch, and a purple etch-a-sketch-
All the comforts of home!
 7/1/2001 Kai meets the Pacific
(and vice-versa)
 7/2/2001 Cuttlefish are cool in Monterey
 7/2/2001 Moon Jelly
 7/2/2001 Happy to be outside the tank
 7/2/2001 Alien lifeform or jellyfish?
 7/2/2001 Tuckered out after a big day at the aquarium in Monterey