and Nancy's
Green, KY
deg 11.6' N 83
deg 4.9' W
This report is automatically generated every day at midnight
Monthly Average | Average of daily maximums | Average of daily minimums | Monthly Maximum | Monthly Minimum |
Average temperature: +74 °F | Average maximum temperature: +85.7 °F | Average minimum temperature: +62.3 °F | Maximum temperature: +94.1 °F at 14:24:00 on 26 June | Minimum temperature: +48.2 °F at 06:41:00 on 23 June |
Average humidity: 37 % | Average maximum humidity: 57 % | Average minimum humidity: 16 % | Maximum humidity: 70 % at 09:43:00 on 10 June | Minimum humidity: 11 % at 15:40:00 on 26 June |
Average dew point: +41.1 °F | Average maximum dew point: +52.4 °F | Average minimum dew point: +29.7 °F | Maximum dew point: +65.1 °F at 10:24:00 on 12 June | Minimum dew point: +19.4 °F at 19:57:00 on 22 June |
--- | --- | Average minimum wind chill: +62.3 °F | --- | Minimum wind chill: +48.2 °F at 06:41:00 on 23 June |
--- | Average maximum heat index: +81.6 °F | --- | Maximum heat index: +88 °F at 14:24:00 on 26 June | --- |
Average barometric pressure: 28.9 In.Hg | Average maximum barometric pressure: 29 In.Hg | Average minimum barometric pressure: 28.9 In.Hg | Maximum barometric pressure: 29.2 In.Hg at 09:35:00 on 01 June | Minimum barometric pressure: 28.64 In.Hg at 14:20:00 on 21 June |
--- | Average of daily peak wind gusts: 0 MPH | --- | Maximum wind gust: 0 MPH from 344° at 23:59:00 on 26 June | --- |
--- | Average of daily peak wind gust direction: 348° | --- | --- | --- |
Average indoor temperature: +75.2 °F | Average maximum indoor temperature: +76.2 °F | Average minimum indoor temperature: +74.2 °F | Maximum indoor temperature: +80.1 °F at 20:59:00 on 26 June | Minimum indoor temperature: +68 °F at 09:07:00 on 23 June |
Rainfall summary:
Number of rain days:
Maximum rainfall rate recorded is zero
Total rainfall for June: 0 In.
Days since rain: 108
Last Rain amount: 0 In.